Spring has arrived - Atelier Monnier, French Bakery in Miami, French restaurant miami, French food miami, café miami, coffee shop miami, catering miami, wine boutique miami, winery miami, wine tasting miami, wine pairing miami, brunch miami, best brunch miami


The first day of Spring

The season of bloom is upon us and it feels refreshing to have some extra hours of daylight. If the cold that comes with winter had you feeling down and stuck in your house, now is the perfect day to shake it off because things are feeling much brighter.

The first day of spring, and it’s finally here. Your chance for some much-needed cleaning has arrived! You are now able to clear out that closet you have been pushing back since Christmas, purchase some new artwork,  or maybe try a new restaurant.

One thing is for sure, it’s a perfect time to spring into action.

Spring to something new

Although anytime is a great time to try something new, today has a certain atmosphere that makes a new experience that much better. It’s the end of a cold sluggish season and the beginning of a season where life grows.

I think it’s safe to agree, the most common factor between us all is food. We need it, we like it, and some maybe like it too much. Spring is your chance to try something special.

For those who are ready to go outside and take over the world, we’d like to make sure you don’t do it on an empty stomach. And for those who need more time to create the Spring plan, we have a great place for you to do just that! Atelier Monnier French Bakery has several locations throughout South Florida and is the best place to indulge in a new food.

Below are a list of tasty treats to begin the blueprint to your Spring ideas.

  • Passion – A delightful blend of imported chocolate and fresh passion fruit baked together and covered in a dark chocolate cream and hand crafted into the shape of a rose. Perfect for giving your taste buds the bouquet it’s been looking for.


  • Raspberry Tart – Nothing says spring like something fruity. The sweet buttery crust and organic raspberry preserves make the most delicious combination when topped off with fresh raspberries. A great treat to have when planning your Spring plan of action.

Raspberry Tart - Spring has arrived - Atelier Monnier, French Bakery in Miami, French restaurant miami, French food miami, café miami, coffee shop miami, catering miami, wine boutique miami, winery miami, wine tasting miami, wine pairing miami, brunch miami, best brunch miami

  • Rosé– Yea, not food. A wine. The weather is just right for a crisp tasty pink wine. Take this cold selection up a notch when you pair with one of Atelier Monnier savory oven hot Ham and Brie croissant sandwiches.

The extensive variety of options at Atelier Monnier are well suited for any palette, which makes this French Bakery Miami’s go-to spot for an international delicacy and a first stop for a new season.

Find your nearest location and let us know how your first day of spring works out! Make sure to let us know in the comments below (or on Instagram or Facebook

Au revoir!

